What Data Reveals about Billion Dollar Startups
Super Founders uses a data-driven approach to understand what really differentiates billion-dollar startups from the rest—revealing that nearly everything we thought was true about them is false!
Ali Tamaseb has spent thousands of hours manually amassing what may be the largest dataset ever collected on startups, comparing billion-dollar startups with those that failed to become one – 30,000 data points on nearly every factor: number of competitors, market size, the founder’s age, his or her university’s ranking, quality of investors, fundraising time, and many, many more.
And what he found looked far different than expected.
Just to mention a few:
- Most unicorn founders had no domain expertise;
- There’s no disadvantage to being a solo founder or to being a non-technical CEO;
- Less than 15% went through any kind of accelerator program;
- Over half had strong competitors when starting–being first to market with an idea does not actually matter.
“Ali debunks myths and misconceptions of great founders. His work encourages us to play our own game on our way to becoming the next Super Founder.”