Having the ability to stay on top of business innovation and the news that matters is a daunting task for anyone these days. We are all constantly scrambling with the various aspects of our busy life within an ever changing environment.
Then of course, we all have to contend with the abundance of information that is available. Knowing which sources to listen to – and which to avoid – is critical in maximizing our time and getting the correct information we need.
At Bay Area Mastermind we endeavor to provide our members with the most up to date and relevant information in order for each of our busy business owners to be able to make informed decisions in their business. In order to do this, our team reviews many sources, both online and off line, and then consolidates and summarizes the most valuable facts for our meetings.
In this article we would like to briefly share with you some of the online sources we value and give you a quick review of why we use them.
This is one of the best sources for marketing strategies and techniques. Seth’s regular postings provide a good gauge of marketing trends and developments.
With the recent changes in the the crowd sourcing laws and regulations there are now more people than ever using this
site to raise capital for their businesses. At this site you will see where technology and the latest ideas are heading. Here you will be able to see what venture capitalist are funding as well as find other like minded entrepreneurs.
Calculated Risk
This blog written by Bill McBride is an excellent source of up to the-moment economic news. McBride was one of the individuals who warned people about the housing bubble while most TV commentators were telling the public not to worry. For anyone wanting to know how or when the Feds may stop their stimulus policy, this is a must read blog.
Felix Salmon
This Twitter feed provides you with a balance economic analysis and financial commentary. Salmon has the ability to make complicated economic issues easy to understand.
Planet Money
This Podcast is provided by NPR and is another excellent source for getting a handle of the most complicated economic and financial issues of our day. The Podcasts can be easily downloaded and listened to as you commute or workout on your MP3 player.
Web Information
Danny Sullivan
This twitter feed is one you should subscribe to if you are interested in knowing how search engines are evolving and how they can affect your web presence.
This Week in Google
This podcast is a must for anyone who is concern about search engine optimization, organic traffic, as well as the other areas where Google dominates. Staying on top of this information can help you make the necessary changes to take advantage of all the various aspects of the Google empire.
Design and Style
There is always a need for business owners to keep abreast of the latest design styles in order to fashion their products and services appropriately.
Future Perfect
This blog site focuses on how people are using technology and gives its readers good insights for product designs and
Information Aesthetics
This blog is an excellent source for any business that deals with data visualization. Here you will see the best examples
that you can adopt.
The following three sources are our top picks for what is happening in the world of science.
Not Even Wrong
Ever wonder if what you just heard is, true or not? Well, this blog site will dispel all those rumors and give you the straight facts.
This is another excellent blog that provides unbiased and easy to understand information concerning anything in the scientific field.
Science Podcast
Named and produced by the same folks that deliver Science publication, this podcast is a good weekly review of the latest discoveries in the world of science.
As you can see there touch the surface of what we felt would provide you with a good foundation of news and developments to improve your business.
From time to time, we will post new lists and bring you more sources as they develop.
In the Meantime, you are cordially invited to test drive a Bay Area Mastermind meeting today.
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