Written in a fast-paced thriller style, The Goal, a gripping novel, is transforming management thinking throughout the world. It is a book to recommend to your friends in industry – even to your bosses – but not to your competitors. Alex Rogo is a harried plant manager working ever more desperately to try improve performance. […]
The Slight Edge: Turning Simple Disciplines into Massive Success and Happiness
Why is it that some people make dream after dream come true, while others just continue dreaming and spend their lives building dreams for someone else? One simple reason: those that are “successful” have found their SLIGHT EDGE! The Slight Edge is not just another self-help, motivation tool of methods you must learn in order to […]
The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts
Marriage should be based on love, right? But does it seem as though you and your spouse are speaking two different languages? New York Times bestselling author Dr. Gary Chapman guides couples in identifying, understanding, and speaking their spouse’s primary love language—quality time, words of affirmation, gifts, acts of service, or physical touch. By learning the five […]
Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business
Traction by Gino Wickman is a must-read for any entrepreneur or business leader who wants to create a successful company. In this book, Wickman lays out a simple but effective framework for creating a company that is focused, productive, and profitable. By clearly defining your vision, mission, values, and metrics, you will create a shared […]
Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
The New York Times bestseller that gives readers a paradigm—shattering new way to think about motivation. Most people believe that the best way to motivate is with rewards like money—the carrot-and-stick approach. That’s a mistake, says Daniel H. Pink (author of To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Motivating Others). In this provocative and persuasive new book, […]
The Art of Explanation: Making your Ideas, Products, and Services Easier to Understand
Your guide to becoming an explanation specialist. You’ve done the hard work. Your product or service works beautifully – but something is missing. People just don’t see the big idea – and it’s keeping you from being successful. Your idea has an explanation problem. The Art of Explanation is for business people, educators and influencers […]
12: The Elements of Great Managing by Rodd Wagner
12: The Elements of Great Managing is the long-awaited sequel to the 1999 runaway bestseller First, Break All the Rules. Grounded in Gallup’s 10 million employee and manager interviews spanning 114 countries, 12 follows great managers as they harness employee engagement to turn around a failing call center, save a struggling hotel, improve patient care in a hospital, maintain […]
The Carrot Principle by Chester Elton & Adrian Gostick
From the authors of the smash bestseller The Carrot Principle comes an inspiring and lively page-a-day guide to harnessing the remarkable power of the carrot—taking yourself and your team to new heights of success in work and life. Based on their twenty years of experience teaching leaders at Fortune 100 companies, as well as one of the […]
Coercion by Douglas Rushkoff
Noted media pundit and author of Playing the Future Douglas Rushkoff gives a devastating critique of the influence techniques behind our culture of rampant consumerism. With a skilled analysis of how experts in the fields of marketing, advertising, retail atmospherics, and hand-selling attempt to take away our ability to make rational decisions, Rushkoff delivers a bracing account of […]
Unleash the Ideavirus by Seth Godin
The book that sparked a marketing revolution. “This is a subversive book. It says that the marketer is not–and ought not to be–at the center of successful marketing. The customer should be. Are you ready for that?” –From the Foreword by Malcolm Gladwell, author of The Tipping Point. Counter to traditional marketing wisdom, which tries to […]