A few years ago many of the top direct marketers recommended building a swipe file from the various direct response mail pieces (junk mail) we all receive in our mail boxes. The idea was simply a way to learn how others marketers by examining the mail that we received from them. As Internet marketing began […]
Leadership Lessons From a True Legend Who Walked his Talk
Even if you have never been into sports most business professionals have heard of and admired Coach John Wooden. On June 4Th 2010 the world lost this great basketball coaches and wise leader at the age of 99. Fortunately we still have access to his ideas and strategies that can help any business owner succeed.
Business Lessons From The World Cup
There is an old saying that I have always liked, “It aint over until the fat lady sings”. This is as true in sports as it is in business. It is so easy to prematurely give up when the odds appear to be totally against us. The annals of business are full of stories of […]
Can You Get Smarter By Playing Brain Training Games
A new study published in the science journal Nature states that there is no empirical support to show that using those computerized brain training programs actually improve overall cognitive functioning. The study followed 11,430 participants over six weeks using the cognitive training tasks claimed to improve such things as reasoning, memory, planning, and attention.