These days staying ahead of the competition and market changes is necessary to the very survival of the business. Just being good is not enough and mediocrity spells certain death for any business who allows it to occur. So, how can a business owner make sure that they are on top of it all? One […]
Has The Economy Affected The Value of Email Marketing?
Despite the fact that all of us are a lot more savvy these days, and we are inundated with information,email marketing continues to be a viable vehicle that is driving some real results.
Why Some people May be Opting out of Your Email List
It is no secrete that E-mail marketing is one of the more effective and less expensive ways to retain and get customers. In fact, a recent study by comScore found that e-mail had a 4.4% sales conversion rate in the US. Similarly in a survey conducted by MarketingSherpa and ADTECH, 44% of marketers said that e-mails to […]